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3 mm-es alumínium kompozit panel Magyarország

What is the versatility of Aluminum Composite Panels 

Do you find it so intriguing that how one can incorporate different materials to make there projects look better. Back again, in the almighty world of aluminum composite panels and these do not limit themselves to just look as good giving you a lot more flexibility benefits around your application so opt for 3mm acm panel a TRUBOND-tól.


With so many options of aluminum composite panels to choose from, the plethora of choice might be overwhelming at first when selecting what is best for your project. The 4 mm-es alumínium kompozit panel from TRUBOND comes in variety of thicknesses, colors and finish options to match the look you desire for your space. For example, how about the modern and elegant PANEL-WALL with minimalist lines and a super-slim 3mm surface design that can revitalise such an old space thus adding timelessness to your home or office surroundings as well?

Miért válassza a TRUBOND 3 mm-es alumínium kompozit panelt?

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